Formative evaluation: implementation of a strategy in teaching performance of Preschool teachers with the support of ICT in the context of pandemic
formative evaluation, teacher training, feedback, educational technology, Preschool Education, information and communication technologies (ICT), data visualizationAbstract
During the COVID-19 pandemic it was necessary to resort to emergency remote teaching and various technological tools in order to continue the preservice education of future teachers and to improve their practice through formative evaluation. The article assesses the results of implementing a formative evaluation strategy, based on the use of technological, computational and digital tools, in the performance of Preschool teachers (women). A quasi-experimental, multiple baseline design across five participants was used. The practice evidence was collected through a digital portfolio and a rubric (aligned to the Mexican Preschool Education program) was used to assesses the teaching performance. The results showed a modest improvement in performance, although it was consistent. Findings compared to other studies, the variation of performance, characteristics and principles of teacher formative evaluation, and the contribution of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) are discussed. It is concluded that the formative evaluation strategy used with the support of ICT promoted an improvement in the performance of the teachers, given that the criteria of consistency and patterns of change to reflect the effect of the intervention were met.
Supporting Agencies
Este trabajo contó con el apoyo del Fondo de Investigación del Programa para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente para el Tipo Superior (PRODEP) dirigido a nuevos profesores de tiempo completo (México, 2019).
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Copyright (c) 2023 María del Rayo López Contreras, Luis Horacio Pedroza Zúñiga, Karla Karina Ruiz Mendoza

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