Project work from a virtual learning platform: experiences of satisfaction of a group of primary school students
Google Classroom, satisfaction, basic education, virtual environments, digitization, information technology, project based learningAbstract
The social and educational challenges we face today force us to rethink the role of digital technologies in the 21st century, which requires a deeper understanding of learning activities in schools. This article presents the results of an evaluation regarding satisfaction with a virtual learning environment. A total of 143 elementary school students (men and women) from the Community of Catalunya participated, who have used emerging technologies (Google Classroom platform) as a tool for accessing educational processes. Through the ACOTIC-ALU instrument, it was possible to identify a high degree of satisfaction on the part of the students (60 %) when working with project based learning through virtual learning environments (VLE). However, three important barriers during learning were evidenced, the lack of socialization, the scarce transfer of didactic materials among classmates of the same group and the lack of development of reading skills, findings that allowed us to reach the conclusion that the motivation that teachers provide in the development of projects through Google Classroom will allow students to engage in creative and cooperative processes to break the barriers to learning, including maintaining a good relationship with the teacher to better understand the processes that will be developed in the classroom.
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