Work the human body with augmented reality in childhood education


  • Verónica Marín Díaz Profesora titular de la Universidad de Córdoba (España)
  • Victoria Paula Muñoz Asencio Graduada en Educación Infantil por la Universidad de Córdoba (España)



augmented reality, childhood education, didactic innovation, students


The incorporation of digitals tools to the education are an evident fact today. In lasts years one of them haves taken on big relevance, this is the augmented reality. The use of this is determined by various factors that mediate its use, due to the variety of modalities in which it’s presented and the fact that it’s available to all users, which makes its incorporation into the teaching methodology possible. In this article we show a proposal to use the augmented reality in the childhood classroom. Through, the ChromVille app teaching action innovation is presented for the development the human body curricular content. By the design of motivation and development activities, the student will view reinforced, the content presented at pleasant and motivational way. By the assessment of the learn is proposal, a rubric of initial and end character, with the end to determinate the previews knowledges to the didactic action and the learned through by it. The main result achieved has been the consolidation of the content learned through traditional methodologies in the short term. On the other hand, the biggest handicap has been the lack of availability of digital resources for all participants. However, the conclusion that has been reached has been that the use of the augmented reality from the initial stages of learning increases the motivation for the acquisition of content by the student.


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How to Cite

Marín Díaz, V., & Muñoz Asencio, V. P. (2018). Work the human body with augmented reality in childhood education. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (9), 148–158.



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