«Mummies. 3D biography». A new insight into the mummified human remains of the prehispanic population of Gran Canaria


  • Teresa Delgado Darias Conservadora de El Museo Canario (España)
  • Ibán Suárez Medina Arqueólogo de Tibicena. Arqueología y Patrimonio, SL (España)
  • Verónica Alberto Barroso Arqueóloga de Tibicena. Arqueología y Patrimonio, SL (España)
  • Javier Velasco Vázquez Consejería de Cultura del Cabildo de Gran Canaria y Departamento de Ciencias Históricas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (España)
  • Marco Moreno Benítez Arqueólogo de Tibicena. Arqueología y Patrimonio, SL (España)
  • Félix Mendoza Medina Arqueólogo de Tibicena. Arqueología y Patrimonio, SL (España)




mummies, bioanthropology, ancient canarians, photogrammetry, 3D modeling, dissemination actions, museums


The «Mummies. 3D Biographies» project is a bet of El Museo Canario on coming together research and diffusion based on new information and communication technologies (ICT). In order to achieve this objective, a multidisciplinary team was set up, integrated by specialist on bioarchaeology, archaeology and digitalization of cultural heritage.

The project addresses a review of the historic meaning of the prehispanic mummies of Gran Canaria in the light of the data showed by recent archaeological excavations in aboriginal cemeteries. These works call into question the mummification as funerary ritual differentiated from the rest of the mortuary practices among the canarians. The current study also included a biographic perspective of three mummies by analysing their bones, teeth and shrouds, which are interpreted as a result of their social and cultural system: that of the ancient canarians.

It was considered that the new knowledge would need dynamic, interactive and direct tools of learning. Three-dimensional modeling of the mummies was therefore the resource adopted to optimize the purpose of divulgation. The great interest that people had shown in the different diffusion actions developed in this project, enhance the need –in the Social Sciences research field– of improving tools that grab the attention of public towards the new historic information.


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How to Cite

Delgado Darias, T., Suárez Medina, I., Alberto Barroso, V., Velasco Vázquez, J., Moreno Benítez, M., & Mendoza Medina, F. (2018). «Mummies. 3D biography». A new insight into the mummified human remains of the prehispanic population of Gran Canaria. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (9), 53–82. https://doi.org/10.51302/tce.2018.174



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