The study of Parkinson's disease with biomedical instrumentation: a project for the classroom of Technology in secondary education


  • María Encarnación Micó-Amigo MOVE Research Institute Amsterdam, Departamento de Ciencias del Movimiento Humano, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Países Bajos)
  • Ester Micó-Amigo Profesora asociada del Grupo de Investigación, Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad. Didáctica de la Ciencia (CTS_DC) de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares (España)



biomedical engineering, Parkinson’s disease, inertial sensors, biomechanical analysis, Technology classroom, educación secundaria obligatoria (ESO) and bachillerato (high school education)


This project aims to engage young students of educación secun­daria obligatoria (ESO) and bachillerato (last levels of the com­pulsory high school education system) in an experimental pro­ject based on the application of medical technology for the study of Parkinson’s disease (PD).

The project consists of an informative session and two practi­cal sessions, all to be carried on the classroom-workshop of the Technology course. At the initial and informative session, it is proposed to expose the context, challenges and current tech­nical constraints in the field of neurology for the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, with special focus on PD. The first practical session presents an interactive activity that includes the study, design, assembly and calibration of an inertial sensor (accelerometer or gyroscope). The second practical ses­sion requests the students to perform a measurement protocol with a commercial device of clinical use on all the students and involved teachers. The analysis of the obtained measures and the comparison of these with data corresponding to a cohort of patients with PD (provided by the teachers) will lead to the pro­posal of ideas for the development of a diagnostic method for PD.

With an experimental, innovative and pragmatic methodology, this projects aims to foster a constructivist learning, to boost a rational thinking, to stimulate the imagination and wit, to expand multidisciplinary knowledge, to raise awareness about a socia­lly relevant reality, to develop social skills though a team work approach and to motivate and inspire the students.


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How to Cite

Micó-Amigo, M. E., & Micó-Amigo, E. (2017). The study of Parkinson’s disease with biomedical instrumentation: a project for the classroom of Technology in secondary education. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (7), 102–113.



Projects and Academic contributions