Implementation of a SPOC on distance learning for improving the teaching-learning process
massive open on-line courses (MOOCs), small private on-line courses (SPOTs), higher education, methodology, audiovisual materialAbstract
The introduction of the information and communication technologies (ICT) has been a major change in many aspects within the field of education, as in the form of information processing and acquire the knowledge on the part of the pupils, due to their immersion within an audiovisual culture. This has led to many teachers with the aim of improving the process of teaching and learning, have entered the video in their classrooms.
The introduction of information technology and the one of the forms of training that uses this type of teaching materials (video) as the basis of its methodology, are the massive open on-line courses (MOOCs). These courses are open in nature, massive and made in specialized platforms, have suffered a great evolution since its appearance in 2012, making of its methodology is derived various modalities of courses. This is the case of the small private on-line courses (SPOTs), that maintain the structure and methodology of the MOOC, but restricts the number of pupils and the access to the same.
This article proposes a project based on the deployment of a SPOC within the on-line distance education, as «course zero of mathematics» for the new additions in the degree of Engineering. The purpose of this project is to verify if this methodology based on the audiovisual format, significantly improves the teaching-learning process, with regard to the methodology used so far.
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