E-learning: new strategies and trends


  • Matteo Martini Associate Professor, Nuclear and Subnuclear Department, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi (Italia)




e-learning, massive open on-line courses (MOOC), virtual laboratories, flipped classroom, internet of things


The aim of this paper is to present a personal point of view on the possible future trends in distance learning. The starting point of this study is represented by a review of the main innovations in digital and information technologies. This step is necessary since the evolution of distance learning is strictly correlated to the evolution of the technology that can be exploited to increase learning quality.

The main arguments discussed in this paper are: massive open on-line courses (MOOCs), flipped classrooms and the evolution of the learning objects based on web and on internet technology. Concerning MOOCs, a critical analysis of the status of this type of learning is necessary to understand their possible evolution and/or their substitution. A huge number of case studies demonstrated the validity of the flipped classroom and the possibility to adopt this approach into e-learning is surely interesting. The last part of the paper is instead dedicated to future technologies like: mobile learning, 3D virtual laboratories and internet of things. As discussed, this latest innovations can push the evolution of distance learning offering real student-centered solutions.


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How to Cite

Martini, M. (2017). E-learning: new strategies and trends. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (6), 75–87. https://doi.org/10.51302/tce.2017.116