Elaboration and validation processes of an evaluation tool for digital teaching materials for the German language
teaching material, educational multimedia, language teaching, evaluation tool, validation process, certification exams, CEFR levelsAbstract
Choosing the adequate teaching material for a specific goal is a key factor to studying the German language successfully. The reliability of the method chosen to evaluate and compare the materials determines the adequacy of the choice and depends on the procedural rigor applied to its development and application. Such a method may consist in a quantitative evaluation tool for teaching materials for German and this article presents a methodology for its development. The criteria the tool must meet and that determine the development process are defined first. The items to be measured based on these criteria are identified considering the knowledge and fluency to be acquired, and, in a broad sense, the corresponding didactic requirements and the limitations and possibilities of digital materials. The procedure used for grouping the identified items and the way of measuring, evaluating and comparing them is explained as well as the validation process through experts and the changes applied on its results. The technological implementation is commented. The viability is tested through the exemplary application of three materials offered by renowned publishing houses. The tool allows evaluating to what extent the digital material prepares students (men and women) to take the official German exams for levels A1-B2 defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The results have shown areas for improvement regarding their suitability as digital materials. The three materials evaluated have obtained 33, 39 and 47 points out of 100. The application of the tool is simple, facilitates a detailed analysis and requires the dedication of a considerable amount of resources.
Supporting Agencies
El contenido de este estudio de investigación procede de la tesis doctoral "Elaboración de una herramienta de análisis y evaluación de software para el aprendizaje de la lengua alemana", elaborada por Begoña Velasco Arranz, autora principal de este artículo. Santos Urbina Ramírez ha sido codirector de la citada tesis doctoral.
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