Flipped classroom: a bridge towards new challenges in elementary education
flipped classroom, elementary education, teaching model, didactic strategiesAbstract
In the last years, the educational stage in Spain has been characterized by an evident transformation with regards to the methodology to apply in classrooms of the different educational stages.
The lack of motivation largely of the students invites to restructure an educational system anchored in the time. There is a need to adapt the contents and the methods of transmission, following the new reality that surrounds to the students of the present. In this sense, the information and communications technology (ICT), aims to be an instrument of transmission and engine of change towards new bridges of learning. In particular, the flipped classroom model consists of inverting the way of explaining the educational contents that transform the figure of the teacher and the student.
This work proposes a methodology to implement the flipped classroom model in the area of elementary education.
In this way, the education and the ICT are merged in transforming the classroom in an environment that incites to be creative, to enhance collaborative working practices, to establish discussion, and to encourage to think about.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Gonzalo Llanos García, Javier Bravo-Agapito
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