About the Journal


Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación

Bibliographical Information: 

ISSN: 2444-250X (from No 28, the Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación journal has stopped publishing its printed version)
ISSN-e: 2444-2887
DOI: 10.51302/tce

Publication frequency

The Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación journal has a quarterly publication schedule. Three issues per year (between the 1st and 7th days of the months of January, May, and September)


The Technology, Science and Education journal, published and edited by the Centro de Estudios Financieros, SL, stands as a fundamental publication for promoting high-quality and excellent research. Its focus encompasses the fields of technology, science, and education, with special emphasis on works that explore the intersection between technology and education, as well as science and education.

The interaction between technology, science, and education is fertile ground for innovation and progress. The Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación journal positions itself as a forum where researchers can share their discoveries, reflections, and analyses in these crucial areas. Through rigorous peer review, it aims to drive the advancement of knowledge and contribute to sustainable societal development.


  • Promote cutting-edge research: the journal is committed to disseminating original and relevant research that addresses contemporary challenges in any of the topics covered by the publication. Authors are encouraged to explore new perspectives and approaches.
  • Promote interdisciplinarity: the journal seeks to be a bridge between apparently disparate disciplines.
  • Contribute to academic dialogue: through Research Studies, Projects, Academic Contributions, and Bibliographic Reviews, the journal promotes constructive dialogue between academics, professionals, and students. It is hoped that the contents will inspire interesting debates and novel reflections in the scientific community.
  • These objectives reflect our commitment to scientific excellence and innovation in the field of Spanish-speaking research.

Focus and scope

  • Creating a space for the exchange and dissemination of research results in the fields of technology, science and education, especially at the intersection between technology and education or science and education.
  • To encourage research and the publication of original scientific articles on technology, science, and education, particularly those focused on the intersection between the fields of technology and education or science and education.
  • To present an agenda of events related to the subject matter of the journal.
  • To publish abstracts of the most highly recognized academic papers.
  • To disseminate the results of the R&D Award of the Centro de Estudios Financieros.

Thematic lines

  • Technology (software, mobile applications, artificial intelligence, robotics, smartphones, blockchain, etc.), with a special focus on works that link technology and education.
  • Science (computing, engineering, energy, etc.), with a special focus on works that link science and education.
  • General education (primary education, secondary education, vocational training, higher education [undergraduate degrees, master’s degrees, specialized degrees, doctorates, etc.]).

Publishing policy criteria

The factors on which decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of papers by the journal’s editors are based are as follows:

  • Originality.
  • Timeliness and novelty.
  • Relevance and applicability of the results for the resolution of real problems.
  • Significance for the advancement of scientific knowledge.
  • Proven methodological standards.
  • Presentation, sound composition and organization (logical coherence and material presentation).

Publishing system

This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is an open access journal manager software, developed, funded and distributed free of charge by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. The workflow of the Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación journal in OJS is presented below.