About the Journal

Published and Edited by: Centro de Estudios Financieros, SL
Bibliographical Information: ISSN-e: 2444-2887, ISSN: 2444-250X (from No 28, the Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación journal has stopped publishing its printed versión) and DOI: 10.51302/tce
Frequency: 3 issues per year (between the 1st and 7th days of the months of January, May, and September)

Content access policy: open access
Subjects: technology, science, education, training, learning, teaching, skills
Indexation: general description of the indexation information
Statistical Information: statistical analysis

The four-monthly Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación journal, published by the Centro de Estudios Financieros, was created with the aim of achieving quality and excellence research through the dissemination of works in the fields of technology, science and education, especially at the intersection between technology and education or science and education.

Our journal is aimed at education professionals, researchers and, in general, all those interested in specializing, updating, or broadening their knowledge in these subjects, as well as those who wish to disseminate their Research Studies or Projects and Academic Contributions or Bibliographical Reviews on subjects of interest to the journal.

Current Issue

Revista Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación N.º 29 Septiembre-Diciembre 2024
					View Revista Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación N.º 29 Septiembre-Diciembre 2024

Número de publicación anticipada in press

Published: 2024-06-14

Research studies

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