Gamification applied to education: Snakes & Ladders videogame


  • José Manuel Ortiz-Ramírez Egresado de Ingeniería Informática, mención Software, de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)
  • Javier Bravo-Agapito Profesor doctor del Departamento de Ingeniería Informática de la Escuela de Ciencias Técnicas e Ingeniería de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA (España)



gamification, learning, motivation, engineering, videogame


Education, in general, and universities, in particular, are constantly searching new ways of transmitting knowledge. In last years, the technology has made it possible to achieve this goal making learning closer and more accessible, however, there are some obstacles that technology alone is not able to overcome, and that is when a concept comes in to play, despite not being new, is still insufficiently exploited: the gamification.

This article presents an example of gamification oriented to learning, the Snakes & Ladders videogame, adding psychological elements like motivation, stimuli or emotions −very usual in videogames− that increases the student’s interest and motivation in learning of some subjects.
Finally, a general retrospective of the project is carried out and ideas are presented for future works that can expand the objectives of this work, whose development was carried out in the context of the final degree project in Computer Engineering and where the subject of Automata and Language Processors was used as an example for teaching.


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How to Cite

Ortiz-Ramírez, J. M., & Bravo-Agapito, J. (2019). Gamification applied to education: Snakes & Ladders videogame. Technology, Science and Education Journal, (14), 149–166.